Wanjie Sun (孙万捷)
Associate Research Fellow (副研究员)

School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering (遥感信息工程学院)
Wuhan University (武汉大学)

Location: Teaching and Experiment Building - Room 1101, Luoyu Road #129, Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei, China
News | Research Interest | Education | Publications | Fundings | Services | Honors

Email: sunwanjie@whu.edu.cn
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Looking for self-motivated undergraduate students. [2025级硕士研究生名额若干!欢迎对本课题组研究方向感兴趣的推免生联系!欢迎对本课题组研究方向感兴趣的本科生加入!]
招生方向: 具体招生要求和注意事项请参阅实验室招聘规定


Research Interest

I work in the field of visual perception, image processing, computer vision and deep learning theory. Currently, I focus on the following research topics:

Professional Experiences




Unifying Dimensions: A Linear Adaptive Approach to Lightweight Image Super-Resolution
Zhenyu Hu, Wanjie Sun*
arXiv:2409.17597, 2024.
[PDF] [Code] [ Bibtex]

Map-Assisted Remote-Sensing Image Compression at Extremely Low Bitrates
Yixuan Ye, Ce Wang, Wanjie Sun*, Zhenzhong Chen
arXiv:2409.01935, 2024.
[PDF] [Code] [ Bibtex]

Realistic Extreme Image Rescaling via Generative Latent Space Learning
Ce Wang, Wanjie Sun*, Zhenzhong Chen
arXiv:2408.09151, 2024.
[PDF] [Code] [ Bibtex]

Semantic Guided Large Scale Factor Remote Sensing Image Super-resolution with Generative Diffusion Prior
Ce Wang, Wanjie Sun*
arXiv:2405.07044, 2024.
[PDF] [Code] [ Bibtex]


Learning Many-to-Many Mapping for Unpaired Real-World Image Super-resolution and Downscaling
Wanjie Sun, Zhenzhong Chen
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE TPAMI), 2024. (中科院一区Top, IF=20.8)
[PDF] [Code] [ Bibtex]

Lightweight Image Super-Resolution with Sliding Proxy Attention Network
Zhenyu Hu, Wanjie Sun*, Zhenzhong Chen
Signal Processing, 2024. (中科院二区)
[PDF] [Code] [ Bibtex]

Learned Scale-Arbitrary Image Downscaling for Non-Learnable Upscaling
Chenrui Huang, Wanjie Sun, Zhenzhong Chen
Signal Processing Letters, 2023. (中科院二区)
[PDF] [Code] [ Bibtex]

Joint image demosaicking and denoising with mutual guidance of color channels
Yong zhang, Wanjie Sun, Zhenzhong Chen
Signal Processing, 2022. (中科院二区)
[PDF] [Code] [ Bibtex]

Learning Discrete Representations from Reference Images for Large Scale Factor Image Super-Resolution
Wanjie Sun, Zhenzhong Chen
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (IEEE TIP), 2022. (中科院一区Top, IF=10.856)
[PDF] [ Bibtex]

Visual Scanpath Prediction Using IOR-ROI Recurrent Mixture Density Network
Wanjie Sun, Zhenzhong Chen, Feng Wu
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE TPAMI), 2021. (中科院一区Top, IF=24.314)
[PDF] [Code] [ Bibtex] It's an extended version of our IJCAI 2018 paper.

Learned Image Downscaling for Upscaling Using Content Adaptive Resampler
Wanjie Sun, Zhenzhong Chen
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (IEEE TIP), 2020. (中科院一区Top, IF=9.34)
[PDF] [Code] [ Bibtex]

高瞻, 孙万捷, 王杰华, 蒋峥峥
中国图象图形学报, 2017. (CCF推荐B类中文期刊)
[PDF] [ Bibtex]

孙万捷, 高瞻, 潘海燕, 王杰华, 蒋峥峥
计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2017. (CCF推荐A类中文期刊)
[PDF] [ Bibtex]

Model Reduction and Real-time Simulation of Spinal Soft Tissues
Wanjie Sun, Zhan Gao, Jiehua Wang, Weixiang Wu, Zhengzheng Jiang, Jian Zhao
ICIC Express Letters, 2013. (EI)
[ Bibtex]

高瞻, 孙万捷, 王杰华, 蒋峥峥, 武卫翔, 陈恩高, 潘飞
系统仿真学报, 2013. (CCF推荐B类中文期刊)
[ Bibtex]


NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challenge
Liang Jie, ..., Wanjie Sun, Zhenzhong Chen, and et, al.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPR Workshops), 2024.
[PDF] [ Bibtex]

DOVE: Decomposition Oriented Video super-rEsolution
Huairui Wang, Wanjie Sun, Zhenzhong Chen
IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2020.
[PDF] [ Bibtex]

Scanpath Prediction for Visual Attention using IOR-ROI LSTM
Zhenzhong Chen, Wanjie Sun
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2018.
[PDF] [ Bibtex]

CNN-Optimized Image Compression with Uncertainty based Resource Allocation
Zhenzhong Chen, Yiming Li, Feiyang Liu, Zizheng Liu, Xiang Pan, Wanjie Sun Yingbin Wang, Yan Zhou, Han Zhu, Shan Liu
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2018.
[PDF] [ Bibtex]


  • 2024, 湖北省自然科学基金面上项目, 主持
  • 2023, 湖北省智能地学信息处理湖北省重点实验室开放基金项目, 主持
  • 2022, 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 主持
  • 2022, 中国博士后科学基金面上项目, 主持
  • 2022, 测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室2022年自主科研课题(探索类), 主持
  • 2021, “博士后创新人才支持计划”项目, 主持
  • 2021, “湖北省博士后创新研究岗位”项目, 主持


Journal Reviewer:

  • IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP)
  • International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)
  • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT)
  • IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting
  • The Visual Computer (TVCJ)
  • IET Image Processing
  • International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

Conference Reviewer:

  • IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)
  • IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing (MIPR)
  • ACM Symposium On Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA)


  • 2024, "NTIRE2024, Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in Wild", 2th place in quantitative metrics, 4th place in qualitative evaluations
  • 2021, "Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talents", Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security | 2021年度国家人社部“博新计划”入选者
  • 2021, "Graduate Academic Innovation" First Prize, Wuhan University | 武汉大学“研究生学术创新奖”一等奖
  • 2020, "Wang Zhizhuo Innovative Talent" First Prize, Wuhan University | “王之卓创新人才奖”一等奖
  • 2020, "Graduate Academic Innovation" Second Prize, Wuhan University | 武汉大学“研究生学术创新奖”二等奖
  • 2018, Winner Award CVPR 2018 Workshop and Challenge on Learned Image Compression
  • 2014, "Excellent Graduation Project (Thesis) of Colleges and Universities", Jiangsu Province | 江苏省"优秀毕业设计(论文)"一等奖
  • 2012, National Scholarship, Ministry of Education | 国家奖学金